agri (3)

working towards contributing to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 

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  • As more than 95% of the food is directly or indirectly linked to soil (source: FAO, 2015), one must consider that in order to achieve zero hunger goal, it is imperative that we take good care of soil health. Sources estimate, more than 10 million hectares of previously fertile land have become unsuited for agriculture due to soil degradation (e.g., erosion), often as a result of mismanagement.
  • Humans are intricately tied to soil. 95% of food and 99.9 % of our fresh drinking water passes through soil. In spite of the connections, many of us fail to consider the importance of preserving soil’s health for generations to come. If we want to reduce global hunger, a healthy soil environment is crucial. Soil is a highly valuable and a non-renewable resource.


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