mg ddf
The center of Chlorophyll molecule

And often forgotten , but most essential nutrient 

Magnesium nutrition of plants is frequently overlooked and shortage of this will adversely impact plant growth. Many essential plant functions require adequate Mg supplies, the most visible being its role in root formation, chlorophyll, and photosynthesis.

Magnesium plays a central role in photosynthesis, protein synthesis and enzyme activation.
Magnesium is a key component in chlorophyll and thus indispensable for synthesis, transport and storage of important phytonutrients (such as carbohydrates, proteins and lipids).
Magnesium also acts as a carrier of phosphorus in plants. It is necessary for cell division and protein formation. Phosphorus uptake is not possible without magnesium, and vice versa.
Magnesium effects RNA synthesis and therefore the translation of genetic information into proteins.
Magnesium is a component of pectin, important for stability of cells and phytin, an energy rich phosphate store vital for seed germination
Magnesium is an integrated part of ribosomes and the cell matrix as well as aiding stabilization of cell membranes and is required for cell wall synthesis.
Deficiency of magnesium results in inhibited root growth. Before the first symptoms of deficiency appear in leaves, the roots will already be impaired and thus the uptake of water and nutrients will also be affected.

In spite of the well-known role of Mg for various critical functions, surprisingly not much attention has been given to the role of Mg nutrition in crop production and quality. Hence, Mg is often considered as a “forgotten element”. Mg deficiency is gradually becoming an important limiting factor in crop production systems, especially in soils fertilized only with NPK .Mg depletion in soils is a growing concern for productive agriculture. Due to its potential for leaching in highly weathered soils and the interaction with Al, Mg deficiency is a critical concern in acidic soils.

magnesium deficiency (11)


mg deff

magnesium deficiency (2)