

Pineapple is one of the most popular tropical fruits in the world. Pineapples are very responsive to Magrica granulated lime and dolomite applications. For a yield of 50 t/ha, pineapples take up about 24 kg Mg of which approx. one fourth is removed in the harvested crop. Magnesium is needed to balance the large amounts of potassium required by pineapple.

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magnesium promotes the photosynthetic activity hence the carbohydrate and sugar are supplied to the growing fruits. It enhances taste, fruit size and coloration of fruits
The Ca & Mg deficiency:
Symptoms of Ca deficiency in the pineapple plant: very small, short, narrow and breakable leaves and very short internode spacing.
Magnesium (Mg): Plants with Mg deficiency have yellow old leaves, except where shaded by younger leaves. Deficiency causes premature drying of leaves results less flavored pineapples with low sugar content.

Magrica recommendation:

300-400 Kg/ ha , 50% applied during soil preparation time and balance 50 % to be applied before flowering stage or 6 months after planting .
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